Are you a car fan? You are going to love this repair my car game.
Fix an old auto to get to the customize part of the game where you will be able to change tires, colors,neon lights and body kits. Then take the car for a test drive on the street.
Start repairing the car by finding the tool that will repair the car by dragging it to the corresponding glowing area. After finding and repairing all the car areas, you will be able to customize the car. Finally press on the steering wheel when you are ready to see your car on the road.
Apakah Anda penggemar mobil? Anda akan menyukai ini memperbaiki permainan mobil saya.
Perbaiki auto tua untuk sampai ke menyesuaikan bagian dari permainan di mana Anda akan dapat mengubah ban, warna, lampu neon dan body kit. Kemudian mengambil mobil untuk test drive di jalan.
Mulai memperbaiki mobil dengan menemukan alat yang akan memperbaiki mobil dengan menyeretnya ke daerah bercahaya sesuai. Setelah menemukan dan memperbaiki semua bidang mobil, Anda akan dapat menyesuaikan mobil. Terakhir tekan pada roda kemudi ketika Anda siap untuk melihat mobil Anda di jalan.
Are you a car fan? You are going to love this repair my car game.
Fix an old auto to get to the customize part of the game where you will be able to change tires, colors,neon lights and body kits. Then take the car for a test drive on the street.
Start repairing the car by finding the tool that will repair the car by dragging it to the corresponding glowing area. After finding and repairing all the car areas, you will be able to customize the car. Finally press on the steering wheel when you are ready to see your car on the road.